Friday, February 1, 2013

Ded Moroz and the Kremlin of Zaraysk - a card from Russia


Country: Russia
Place: Lobnya
Received: 23/01/2013
Distance: 676 km
Travelled: 36 days

Ded Moroz

Ded Moroz is the main character of the New Year holiday in the East Slavic region. Ded Moroz originally is the symbol of winter frosts in mythology. 

Ded Moroz is mostly portrayed in a red or blue coat and wears a long white beard. His modern canonical image started to form in the end of 1930s, after some years of Christmas trees being prohibited.

The Kremlin of Moscow

The Kremlin of Zaraysk

The Kremlin of Zaraysk is a XVI century’s monument of architecture in Russia built on the order of Vasily III. The fortress was a part in a line of fortifications to protect the borders of Russia.

At the beginning of the XVII century the Kremlin of Zaraysk was conquered by the Polish invaders commanded by the Colonel Alexander Joseph Lisowski. To immortalize his victory, the Colonel ordered to bury all the defenders in one bed of honor with a mound.

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